Title: My Life: As a dream...

Rated: PG-13

Sumary: What happens when you can't feel? When you go completely numb

and you don't know if your alive? When you end up fighting and hurting yourself to know your still alive and not dead and buried.

What happens when you can't even touch to know your alive so you fight to feel the pain and make sure you didn't die in your sleep? And what if you

can't even touch others to feel them and know they're alive?

Chapter: I Prolouge

She sat there, just watching, and looking out among all those who never notice her. She was invisible to people and she didn't mind it at all. Just to watch, that's what she enjoyed. Seeing others happy and enjoying the gift of touch. It was odd but, not being able to touch, no longer bothered her. She was numb, and as long as she could she would stay quite and she would stay unnoticed to the world. She sat back under the shade of her maple tree in the school yard, watching Kitty and Kurt goof off and tease Jean and Scott. She watched as Scott and Jean's faces got all red with anger, or embarrassment.

She turned back to her book, 'The Witching Hour' by Ann Rice, and read silently, quietly drifting into a dream world where she could do whatever she pleased. "Rogue!" Kitty called as she started her way towards the maple. Rogue looked up from her book to show she was listening to the brunette girl."Are you, like, ready to go?" she asked her valley girl accent thick on her lips.

Rogue put the book in her bag and stood. "Sure thang Kitty, let's go."Rogue said quietly and started towards the car. Once there they all piled into Scott's sports car. Kitty, Kurt and Rogue were in the backseat and Jean and Scott were in the front. "So how was your day Kitty?"Jean asked out of the blue.

"Oh, my day was like SOOO totally awesome! Lance and I are finally going out! He finally asked me out, isn't that great?"Kitty said a bit enthusiastically.

"Yeah! That's great Kitty!" Jean said and then both girls began talking about what she should wear on the date and make-up. Rogue wasn't listening though, she was off in her own little world. It had been a little while until Kitty snapped her back to reality."What?"Rogue said looking at the two girls.

"I asked how your day went Rogue, you've really been out of it lately.

Does someone have a crush?"Kitty asked coyly.

Rogue shook her head."No. Ah don't have a crush Kitty, Ah've just been thinkin' that's all..."she said in a sad tone.

Kitty and Jean exchanged glances. They then silently made an agreement that Rogue missed.

When the car was parked Kitty and Jean both followed Rogue to her room (I know it's Kitty's room to just deal.) "Rogue..."Kitty said as she entered the room slowly.

"Hmm?"Rogue asked as she sat down on that bed. Jean and Kitty then entered the room and sat down on Kitty's bed."Did yah need somethin' 'cause Ah have got a lot of homework."Rogue said politely.

"Well Rogue we were sort of worried about you is all."Jean said.

"Yeah ever since that whole incident at the, like, concert you have been totally quiet. You, like, barely ever say anything and you, like, barely eat a thing when dinner comes around. I don't even know if you have eaten breakfast in the last week!"Kitty exclaimed.

"Also you've been having a lot of nightmares..."Jean was cut off.

"How did yah know Ah've been having nightmares?!"Rogue asked her voice full of panic."Yah've (You've) went into mah mind without permission! Just leave, okay."Rogue finished her voice becoming weak. She lied down on her bed and tried to sleep. " Please, both of yah, just leave meh alone." She said barely above a whisper.

Jean looked at her younger teammate but granted her wish by leaving the room and taking Kitty with her. When she was about to walk out the door she turned to look at the goth girl and said,"You know, Rogue, you can always talk to us. Whenever you need help you can always come to us."and with that she left the room to the Goth and her alone.

As soon as Rogue was sure they were both gone, she pulled the blanket around her small form and started crying slilently. "Please don't let meh dream...Please..."and with that she fell into the land of dreams.

Unfortunetly, not all dreams are welcome.

End of Prolouge...
