Where did you get all of the screen captures that are on your site?
A: In the past I retrieved them from other various X-Men Evolution sites. I have since then taken it upon myself to make my own screen captures using my computer.

Can I use the images for my site?
A: Since I do not own X-Men Evolution I really have no say. However credit to The Women of X-Men Evolution would be nice  if you decide to take them. This applies to all the gallery images, comic pictures, and official X-Men Evolution art images. On the other hand copying fanwork and my site layout and claiming it as your own is not allowed.

How did you make your site?
A: I used a mix of Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, and good old Notepad++. My site is proudly hosted by Kataclysm's X-Men Evolution Page.

Can you help me make a site?
A: Sorry, but I cannot at this time. I can possibly help with problems you may be having, but I will not make an entire website for you.

Can I submit Artwork to you?
A: At this time I am no longer accepting fan art. I will let you know if this changes in the future.

Can I submit Fan Fics to you?
A: At this time I am no longer accepting fan fics. I will let you know if this changes in the future.

Can I submit a website to add to your links page?
A: Sure. If you would like an X-Men related website added to my links page, feel free to send me the web site's name and full url. I ask that the website be related to X-Men and be somewhat family friendly.

Where can I find more information about any of the X-Woman featured on your site?
A: Go to my Links page and look at other sites dedicated to X-Men and X-Men Evolution.

How many seasons/episodes are there of X-Men: Evolution?
A: There are 52 episodes spanning 4 seasons. Visit my Episode List page to find a list of all the current episodes and seasons there are.

When is X-Men: Evolution on?
A: At the current time there are no new episodes of X-Men Evolution. The series ended in 2003. Reruns of the series are show on occasion.

How can I contact you if I have additional questions or comments?
A: Please visit my Contact page and fill out the contact form.