Below are short descriptions for featured characters on X-Men: Evolution. For more detailed character information I recommend checking out the Profiles section at Beyond Evolution.
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Code Name: Nightcrawler Real Name: Kurt Wagner Estimated Age: 17 Abilities: Teleportation Group: X-Men Archrival(s): Toad General Info: Nightcrawler is the joker of the X-Men. He is often in high spirits and ready to have fun. He is probably the most sensitive to the emotions and attitudes of others, even though his demonic appearance forced him to lead a relatively secluded life. After joining the Institute Professor X provided Kurt a special holographic projector so he could take on the appearance of a normal human when needed. This allowed him to attend public school and engage in other public activities without drawing unwanted attention to himself. Mystique is Nightcrawler's natural mother, but grew up under the care of a human family and was unaware of his origins until Rogue accidentally absorbed some of his early childhood memories. |